Cultivating friendships and bonding over a shared interest in nature and being outdoors.

True friendships are harder than ever to establish. Let us connect you with other women who share your interests and love nature!

We host a hiking group and hiking events intended to help women in the St. Louis area find other women to go on adventures with.

Enjoying nature safely as a woman is possible!

Our organized events take all the guess work out of hiking. We choose the trail, the time, we keep track on how many of us there are. We also organize brunches after the hikes to really bond and get to know one another!

“I’m so glad I joined this group. I have been dying to go on hikes but didn’t feel safe going alone. Thank you for creating this!”

— Jenny Q.

Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of the natural world.

Sign up to be the first to know about our events.